Awesome animated, live desktop wallpaper / theme: “” at high quality and only for free.
As a war galley sails through a storm, two dragons fight above the clouds, ending in one’s death. In the kingdom of Enlad, the royal wizard Root proclaims the dragons to be a sign of a loss of balance in the world. The king is dealing with disease sweeping across his kingdom, and the disappearance of his son, Prince Arren. In the middle of the night, Arren kills his father, steals his father’s sword, and flees the castle.
Download HD 1920×1080 wallpaper
therru-and-dragon-tales-from-earthsea-HD-live-wallpaper.mp4(335 downloads)
therru-and-dragon-tales-from-earthsea-HD-live-wallpaper.mp4(335 downloads)