Live video wallpapers add a dynamic element to your personal device’s homescreen. “Two Anime Girls Riding a Bicycle Home After School” is a popular live video wallpaper that features a beautiful animation of two anime girls riding a bicycle home after school. In this video, you can see the beautiful sunset behind them, which makes it a perfect pick for anyone who loves beautiful anime scenes.
The video loop is in HD and comes with music that perfectly complements the beautiful animation. This live wallpaper is perfect for anyone who loves anime, as it brings a slice of anime life right to their homescreen. The combination of aesthetics with motion makes this live wallpaper a very unique and interesting choice for anyone who wants their homescreen to stand out.
anime-girl-riding-a-bicycle-home-after-school-HD-live-wall.mp4(488 downloads)
anime-girl-riding-a-bicycle-home-after-school-4k-live-wall.mp4(914 downloads)