Awesome animated, live desktop wallpaper / theme: “Bioshock | Underwater World | Lighthouse | Game” at high quality and only for free.

The plane sputtered, a rusted dragonfly plunging towards a lighthouse unlike any other. Inside, Jack, a down-on-his-luck guy, found himself in Rapture, an underwater city bathed in an eerie glow. But the utopia promised by its crazed founder, Fontaine, was a twisted nightmare. Splicers, crazed humans pumped with genetic enhancements, roamed the decaying halls. Jack, armed with a wrench and a mysterious plasmid power, fought for survival. The ghostly echoes of Rapture’s past whispered through audio diaries, a haunting record of a city lost to greed and ambition. Would Jack escape this watery tomb, or become another monster in its depths? The choice, as Atlas would say, was his.


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