Awesome animated, live desktop wallpaper: “Lumine Cute Traveler in Black Dress Genshin Impact” at high quality and only for free.
lumine-black-dress-genshin-impact-live-wallpaper.mp4(1539 downloads)The Traveler is the playable protagonist of Genshin Impact. At the beginning of the game, both genders are twin siblings from another world, traveling throughout the universe, until an unknown god blocked and captured one of them, and sealed their ways of travel, leaving them stranded on Teyvat. They are accompanied by a travel companion named Paimon throughout their journey.
The female Traveler is named:
Lumine in English
è§ YÃng in Chinese
è› Hotaru in Japanese
형熒 Hyeong or 루미네 Rumine in Korean