Awesome animated, live desktop wallpaper / theme: “Sukuna vs Mahoraga | Domain Expansion | Jujutsu Kaisen” at high quality and only for free.

The Domain Expansion stands as the pinnacle technique within the arsenal of any adept of jujutsu. Attainment of this mastery involves the extension of one’s intrinsic domain through the manipulation of cursed energy, employing a barrier to encase it within a distinct realm. Within this constructed space, the practitioner imbues their cursed technique, effectuating the complete expansion and enabling the unfurling of their abilities across the domain’s expanse.

To initiate the extension of one’s domain, a precise hand gesture or signal unique to the individual is requisite. From an external perspective, the barrier enclosing the domain typically presents itself as an impervious sphere of darkness, suspended in the ether, its contours sealed from intrusion. Such is its potency that the sphere may even be shifted slightly, if circumstances demand.


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