Awesome animated, live desktop wallpaper: “True Damage | Ekko | Neon | League Of Legends 4K” at high quality and only for free.
Born with genius-level intellect, Ekko constructed simple machines before he could crawl. His parents, Inna and Wyeth, vowed to provide a good future for their son—Zaun, with all its pollution and crime, would only stifle Ekko, whom they felt deserved the wealth and opportunities of Piltover. Throughout his youth he watched his parents age beyond their years, toiling for too many hours under dangerous conditions in suffocating factories. They earned meager wages while greedy factory owners, and sneering Piltovan buyers, profited immensely from their labor.
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true-damage-ekko-league-of-legends-4k-live-wallpaper.mp4(1902 downloads)
true-damage-ekko-league-of-legends-4k-live-wallpaper.mp4(1902 downloads)